Between the White Lines Summary:
This stand-alone thriller is from Mark Sublette, best known for his ongoing Charles Bloom Murder Mystery art series set in the Southwest. This thriller involves pro golf athletes, art business insiders, and a savvy real estate tycoon, as lives from varying backgrounds intersect to influence each other. This is a twist-and-turn hairpin ride.
The gifted musician Eva De Plain becomes an unwitting pawn in a struggle for a priceless Thomas Moran painting, a treasure which holds the powers of salvation. Eva’s creativity propels her on a journey of love and devastation from Mexico City to Augusta, Georgia, all the while being hunted by an ambitious psychopath bent on her destruction. This thriller involves pro golf athletes, art business insiders, and a savvy real estate tycoon, as lives from varying backgrounds intersect to influence each other. As the years go by, alliances are formed, but who can be trusted in the long run? The final battle between good and evil is a twist-and-turn hairpin ride occurring on and off the golf course during the famed Masters Tournament, and destruction is only a knife blade away.
Sublette has published numerous catalogs and magazine articles on Native American and art subjects and is considered an authority on the lifework of Maynard Dixon. He has been a featured speaker on Native American art and Maynard Dixon at the Palm Springs Art Museum, US Embassy Santiago, Chile, Booth Museum Cartersville, Georgia, Oakland Museum of California, Gilcrease Museum Tulsa, Oklahoma, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and the Tucson Museum of Art. Sublette’s involvement in the arts is all-encompassing. A constant student of the many areas he delves into, he is happy to pass along his knowledge. The delight in sharing his passion is evident as he speaks and in his novels.